The problem of alcohol addiction is one of the most prevalent in the world and many are wondering how to stop drinking alcohol. This dependence manifests itself in different ways for each person. It can be either an overdrink or an ordinary glass of wine every day.
Most often, in such situations, relatives and close people are the first to sound the alarm, because it is usually they who first understand the potential danger. However, there are times when a person himself notices a harmful addiction to alcoholic beverages.
Today, there is no single way to fight alcoholism. With such an illness, it is necessary to work for quite a long time not only for the patient, but for the whole family. Moreover, much depends on the will.
Reasons to drink
Psychologists identify several reasons why a person starts abusing alcohol:
- genetic predisposition;
- problems with living space;
- self-realization crisis;
- environmental impact (beverage company);
- desire to attract attention (more often in adolescents);
- grief (death of a loved one);
- family problems (divorce, misunderstanding between spouses);
- obtaining a disability;
- sexual problems;
- burgim.
Genetic predisposition is certainly one of the most difficult factors. It often happens that a child who was born and raised in a family of self-drinking people begins to "extend the bottle". Congenital addiction is the hardest thing to overcome. You will need the help not only of an experienced specialist but also of close people.
Adolescent alcoholism occurs most often when a child tries to get the attention of his or her parents. Often, a teenager finds himself in bad company, where drinking is common. In such situations, a teenager does not think about how to give up drinking alcohol himself, therefore, as a rule, he can not do without the help of a specialist.
Self-realization crises and family problems are also very common urges to drink. But it is especially difficult when difficulties begin to pour in from all sides at once: downsizing, divorce, housing, and so on. In such circumstances, many weak-minded people try to forget their failures with the help of strong drinks.
Alcohol is an easy way to get rid of problems. However, it is worth noting when the glass is empty - the difficulties will not go away, but at the same time a taste of disappointment will be added. Therefore, before you start drinking, think about it. Above all, lost time can be used to solve the problem.
Stop drinking at home

The most important thing in treating alcoholism is for the patient himself to understand all the harmfulness of his habit. Only in this case the therapy will be as effective as possible and give the desired result. And many are trying to figure out how to quit drinking alcohol at home. After all, not everyone wants to point out their weaknesses: most prefer to be treated for such a habit, surrounded by loved ones and relatives.
There are two main methods of treatment:
- traditional medicine;
- drug treatment.
But before using this or that medicine, it is necessary to consult a specialist. Ultimately, you should evaluate your condition and completely rule out those herbs and infusions that may adversely affect your health. Furthermore, be sure to check the performance of the heart, kidneys and liver.
Remedies and popular councils
Today, quite a number of different popular recipes, tips and methods are known to help a person get rid of alcohol addiction. Moreover, many of these funds have a positive effect on the body as a whole, as they are based on natural ingredients packed with vitamins and minerals.
Conventionally, all such drugs can be divided into several main groups:
- zierje;
- settings;
- tea;
- other treatments.
But do not stop at just one treatment option, it is better to apply complex therapy. It should be borne in mind that each case is individual, therefore, the approach to healing a patient with alcoholism should be personal.

Among the many highly effective folk remedies, there are some of the most popular remedies that cause persistent aversion to alcohol:
- St. John's wort.To prepare it, you need four tablespoons of crushed herbs and 0. 5 liters of boiling water. After mixing the ingredients, soak the mixture in a bath of boiling water for about 25-30 minutes. The finished solution should be drunk for 10-15 days twice a day - for breakfast and lunch;
- Oatmeal soup with calendula.Take a 3-liter saucepan and fill halfway with unpeeled oats, then add cold water to the edge and simmer for about 30 minutes. Then drain the solution and add 100 gr. calendula flowers. Wrap the dish in a warm blanket and let it bake for 10-12 hours. Then filter the infusion and take it three times daily before meals, 1 cup each;
- Cranberry soup.Take a few tablespoons of cranberry leaves and cover them with a glass of water. Boil the resulting solution for 15 minutes. This tool should be applied daily, 1 tablespoon approximately 5-6 times.
In the fight against alcohol dependence, different types of tinctures are often used, in particular:
- a glass of vodka is infused for two weeks into the root of the lovage and the bay leaf. Half an hour after using such a drug, severe vomiting begins and then a persistent aversion to strong drinks appears;
- 6 tablespoons pre-crushed European Clefthoof leaves poured into a glass of boiling water. Everything is mixed, and the solution is left to soak for two weeks in a dark place. In the morning, they give to drink 100 ml of this product and the same amount of vodka. This procedure is then repeated at lunch time. In the evening they drink only alcohol. Then there is strong vomiting. To consolidate the result, take another 100 ml infusion;
- make a mixture of three ingredients: centaury, bitter wormwood and thyme in equal proportions. Take three tablespoons of this composition and pour over it a glass of boiling water. Then the container with the mixture is wrapped in a blanket and allowed to bake for two hours. After that, the solution is filtered and the patient is given a tablespoon about four times a day. The duration of such treatment is at least two months.

Teas for the treatment of alcoholism are usually made from various medicinal plants. The main task of such funds is to promote sweating and urination, which contributes to a faster cleansing of the body. Such teas should be taken in large quantities - up to 10 cups a day, without adding sugar.
To prepare such a medicine, you can use some simple recipes:
- take equal proportions of wormwood, yarrow and mint, add half as many juniper berries, Angelica root and calamus marsh. Grind everything finely and boil with boiling water: 1 pinch of the mixture in a glass of juice;
- take 20 g each. Hypericum perforatum, wormwood and yarrow, 10 grams each. angel and creeping thyme, 15 gr. mint and 5 gr. common juniper. Dilute 1 tbsp. spoon the resulting mixture into a liter of boiling water and let the solution dissolve for at least 10 minutes.
Other ways
When treating alcohol dependence, it is recommended that you act on all the receptors in the body at the same time. Therefore, to get a faster result, you should use simple but very effective methods, after the use of which you can become intolerant to alcoholic beverages:
- Take dry birch trunks, sprinkle generously with sugar and light a fire. Once the fire is lit, extinguish the fire and allow the patient to breathe in the resulting smoke. Then let him drink a glass of vodka;
- add honey to the patient's diet. This product is believed to reduce the desire to drink and improve health. But beware, honey is a strong allergen.
If you are trying to cure alcohol dependence without the patient's knowledge, then take a glass of vodka and add some pieces of green bug (found on raspberries and they give off a very unpleasant odor). Then let go of the digestion solution and then treat the patient. The result will not be long in coming.
Since it is very difficult to stop drinking alcohol yourself, sometimes the patient, in addition to supporting loved ones and taking medicinal products, also needs psychological help. But, unfortunately, not everyone understands this.
Medical help

The use of alcoholic beverages destroys the whole body: there are violations of the functioning of all systems and brain performance. In order not to damage your body even more, in advanced cases of alcoholism, you should contact a qualified specialist. He will create an individual therapy scheme for you.
There are two main areas of treatment for alcohol dependence:
- drugs that cause disgust;
- medicines that affect specific parts of the brain.
The first method is the most common and understandable. In this case, a conditioned reflex develops: if alcohol has entered the body, then the medication causes bodily suffering such as vomiting and malaise.
Also, various capsules are often sewn under the patient's skin, which are activated when the person drinks. Their validity period is up to 5 years. Usually, this time is enough to get rid of alcohol dependence.
The second option is less popular because it is considered quite expensive. Although the effectiveness of exposure to specific areas of the brain, which are responsible for the state of intoxication and obtaining pleasure from drinking, has already been repeatedly proven by experts.
If you are trying to figure out how to stop drinking alcohol - remedies and folk remedies will help. However, it should be understood that treating alcohol dependence only eradicates the consequences, not the motive.
Once we get rid of an addiction, the patient may begin to look for other ways to hide from reality. Only solving the problems that pushed him into the bottle will protect the person from even greater troubles. Therefore, before performing therapy, it is necessary to find out the real cause of alcohol dependence.